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Ivemedia Network

Ivemedia Ltd is a Global digital marketing company that provides a performance-based and programmatic advertising approach for advertisers, agencies, publishers and application developers. With 100% of transparency, IveMedia only works on direct relationship with the publishers. There are more than 150+ Premium publishers. Ivemedia on any month serve more than 300 MM+ ad impressions and has an audience all over the world.

Dashboards are intuitive and easy and has real time reporting available. You can view these metrics and make campaign updates at any time.

As an advertiser, running your campaign is extremely easy. There are many targeting options such as Geo based, behavioral, demographic, site content and re-targeting. There is also fraud traffic detection method that allows you to pay only for the real impressions. Ivemedia is also in process of co-operation with Fraudlogix which is an anti fraud third party verification partner.

As a publisher, Ivemedia Ltd gives you the opportunity to work with them no matter where you belong to. They seem to provide a 100% fill rate. Payments are made on Net 45 basis and the minimum payout is only $20 which is really good. The revenue share is 70 to 30 which is good.


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